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Retirement Calculator

Many investors' universal goal is a comfortable retirement. The MarketBeat retirement calculator helps you see where you are in relation to your goal and what adjustments you may need to make. How much do you need to retire?


Your Retirement Results

Retirement Savings Over Time

This chart shows a projection based on the savings and growth you plan and a withdrawal of your desired annual retirement income during retirement. The light blue area shows a possible net worth range based on your savings and a growth rate range of 4% to 12% before retirement and 2% to 6% during retirement. The chart extends to age 95.

Total Savings

Target Retirement Income Per Year

Forecasted Retirement Income Per Year


Those who listened to his warnings could have kept their money safe and even made substantial profits during each crisis. In fact, the Wall Street Journal reported that his work was more accurate … and more profitable than that of … Deutsche Bank … Merrill Lynch … JPMorgan Chase … Goldman Sachs … and every other firm reviewed.