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The Best High-Yield Dividend Stocks for 2024
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Until 2023, dividend stocks were the only place where investors could find reliable income.
Treasury notes, CDs, bonds, and money market accounts were all paying near-zero interest rates, leaving few opportunities for income-oriented investors to find safety.
Now that interest rates have returned to 7%+ and the Federal Reserve is indicating that rates will stay high for an extended period of time, dividend stocks have taken a bit of a beating.
Risk-adverse investors have taken money out of dividend stocks and put them into fixed income investments, creating an opportunity for those that want to take a fresh look at dividend stocks. There are now great deals to be found among dividend stocks that offer both a high yield and a strong opportunity for growth.
MarketBeat's team of analysts have made a list of these companies that income-oriented investors may want to consider in a special report titled "Finding Value and Returns in a No-Growth Environment."
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